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Key Stage 4
Years 10 to 11 are important years in preparing students for external examinations and for further education or apprenticeships. All students follow the core subjects of English Language, English Literature, Maths, Combined Science, Religious Studies and core PE. Additional elements such as British Values, Personal Development and SMSC are also covered as part of students’ wider curriculum.
The curriculum at Key Stage 4 is personalised to suit the needs, abilities and career pathways of individual students, providing a range of GCSE, BTEC and vocational course choices.
To enable this personalisation we provide three different curriculum pathways- The EBacc, Core and Engage pathways. Students are allocated to a pathway based on their Key Stage 2 Standardised Scores, progress data and any other relevant information.
The curriculum at Key Stage 4 is personalised to suit the needs, abilities and career pathways of individual students, providing a range of GCSE, BTEC and vocational course choices.
To enable this personalisation we provide three different curriculum pathways- The EBacc, Core and Engage pathways. Students are allocated to a pathway based on their Key Stage 2 Standardised Scores, progress data and any other relevant information.
The options courses offered to students include:
- GCSE Art
- GCSE Business Studies
- BTEC Business Studies
- GCSE Computing
- GCSE Design & Technology
- GCSE Drama
- GCSE Food and Nutrition
- GCSE Geography
- GCSE History
- Cambridge National Certificate in Creative i-Media
- GCSE Mandarin
- GCSE Music
- BTEC Sport
- GCSE Spanish
- GCSE Triple Science
The Year 9 presentation to parents and students can be found below.
This presentation provides pertinent information on the Options process including; the timeline of the Options process, the support mechanisms for learner decisions, the pathways allocated to students as well the subject options available.
This presentation provides pertinent information on the Options process including; the timeline of the Options process, the support mechanisms for learner decisions, the pathways allocated to students as well the subject options available.
Students are encouraged to watch the Options videos below to support them in their decision making.
Please see below link for the Options Pathway Information Booklet for further information.
Parent Resources
All students are offered interviews with our careers service and practice interviews with professionals in their preferred fields of work.
Personalised timetables and support put in place by the College help ensure students achieve their academic potential.
To learn more about our key stage 4 curriculum, please contact us. Parents and carers may contact their child's form tutor and access resources via Doddle.
Personalised timetables and support put in place by the College help ensure students achieve their academic potential.
To learn more about our key stage 4 curriculum, please contact us. Parents and carers may contact their child's form tutor and access resources via Doddle.
A: St Joseph's College, Beulah Hill, London, SE19 3HL T: 020 8761 1426 E: [email protected]
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