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Sixth Form Bursary
The 16-19 Bursary Fund is a scheme to help students facing financial hardship to continue in full-time education after Year 11. To qualify, a student must be aged 16 and under 19 on the 31st August at the start of the academic year in which he/she starts a programme of study; they must also be on a full-time programme of study.
Payment is made by BACS into a student’s bank account once per term. If a student does not have a bank account they will need to open one in order to receive their bursary. Payments are dependent on student attendance, conduct and positive attitude to learning. Students and parents/guardians will be expected to agree to and sign a Bursary Fund Contract before payments are made. The Sixth Form Bursary Team will be responsible for deciding who receives the awards based on the criteria in our Bursary Application Form – see attached document below.
The Bursary Fund is given to the school each year by the EFA (Education Funding Agency). Once these monies have been allocated the school will be unable to make further grants until the new academic year.
Payment is made by BACS into a student’s bank account once per term. If a student does not have a bank account they will need to open one in order to receive their bursary. Payments are dependent on student attendance, conduct and positive attitude to learning. Students and parents/guardians will be expected to agree to and sign a Bursary Fund Contract before payments are made. The Sixth Form Bursary Team will be responsible for deciding who receives the awards based on the criteria in our Bursary Application Form – see attached document below.
The Bursary Fund is given to the school each year by the EFA (Education Funding Agency). Once these monies have been allocated the school will be unable to make further grants until the new academic year.
A: St Joseph's College, Beulah Hill, London, SE19 3HL T: 020 8761 1426 E: [email protected]
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